terça-feira, 23 de setembro de 2008

DreamPTC watch out!

Well.. we saw a lot of websites and forums promoting DreamPTC as another PTC that can pay instantly...

But they can't pay instantly.. but they are using a slogan that make people thing that they will pay people instantly. So watch out for them.

Their slogan is "Join now - Pay instantly!" but what they mean is, "Join Now, pay and receive instantly what you purchase and then wait in the line for a cashout..."

We are not saying that they can't pay or they are a scam, but just to warn users to keep that in mind before joining or to know this when they request a cashout.

UPDATE: Seems that the admin from DreamPTC is the same owner as lifebux.com and seabux.com so watch out! Because admin is closing down websites after a while! And usually never pays anyone!

Whois records known:

Administrative Contact:
Malina, Jindrich (info@seabux.com)
Rokycanova 115
Prague, Ceska Republika 11200
Czech Republic
720155333 Fax --


Racak, Ladislav (ladislav.racak@email.cz)
K Hajum 13
Praha, CZ 14900
Czech Republic
776557957 Fax --

so stay away from this website.. don't plan to invest any time or money on this!

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