domingo, 28 de setembro de 2008

CrewBux... stat delays...

We are experiencing huge delays on our stats on CrewBux, and we still haven't received a proper response from administration about the referrals that we recently purchased using the new instant conversion from our balance.

We changed our balance to receive 15 referrals and all of those referrals look like BOT's or manually created members from administration team or from someone else.

No response yet from anyone and some of our posts have been deleted, ad you can check their forums to view that and you can see some screenshots of our posts here.

Our balance has not changed in the last week.. and it's only increasing in a few amounts everyday from our direct referrals, because the stats is only updated manually by the administration team from purchased referrals.

So does this mean that we are buying BOT's? Well looks like it, but they are covering that on their forums. We are close to break even with this website but we will need to wait for the dust to settle down so we can see if they will keep the normal website to run again. And also let's hope the instant payments become available soon. And all our refs (or bot refs) will be alive until then.

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